Exploration in solidarity lands
Mexico is a country of great cultural and natural wealth. The country boasts over 42 areas belonging to UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves (Calmard, 2023). The country is a must-see for tourists, especially for its heavenly beaches and impressive waterfalls. However, this wealth is threatened by the overuse of natural resources, pollution and climate change. Overtourism also contributes to the folklorization of Mexican culture.
As part of this project, particular attention will be paid to indigenous community tourism. Indigenous communities are often located in preserved natural areas that are particularly vulnerable to environmental degradation, and they also play the role of custodians of these natural riches. For communities, sustainable indigenous tourism represents an opportunity to enhance their culture and preserve their natural environment, while also offering a significant economic opportunity to develop an activity that complements traditional activities.
The tourism sector has been hit hard by the crisis linked to COVID-19. Moreover, the persistent climate crisis remains largely unchecked, and it is imperative that the revival of tourism activities is people-centred, inclusive, sustainable and resilient. Sustainable tourism can play a crucial role in combating the overexploitation of natural resources in tourist destinations, while ensuring the sustainability of economic activities within local and surrounding communities. (International Labour Organization, 2022).
In this context, Village Monde is offering a 4-week commitment to support various rural communities in Mexico. Particular attention will be paid to people from indigenous communities, women and young people involved in the sustainable tourism sector, to help conserve the country’s cultural and environmental heritage.
Local partner association :
This exploration program in Mexico is in partnership with the Red Indígena de Turismo de México Asociación Civil (RITA). RITA is a civil association made up of various companies whose aim is to promote and strengthen the viability and sustainability of indigenous tourism services, as effective instruments for the conservation of cultural and environmental heritage, which constitute one of the foundations for the development of good living, through access to information, capacity building and appropriate technologies, encouraging at all times the active and co-responsible participation of its partners.
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