Exploration in solidarity lands
Tanzania is located between the great lakes of East Africa and the Indian Ocean. The country covers just under 950,000 km2 and 65% of the population live in rural areas. The country is considered one of the most peaceful and stable in Africa since its independence in 1961. Nevertheless, the standard of living remains low and there are great disparities between urban and rural areas. In the latter, poverty is high, especially for women and girls.
Tanzania is a popular tourist destination for its vast wilderness areas, Mount Kilimanjaro, the tropical islands of the archipelago and its national parks, but the supply of tourism is greatly imbalanced, with a large supply in the north leaving two-thirds of the country and more than 50 million Tanzanians out of the economic picture. The same is true for ethnic tourism, which is mainly represented by the community Masaï while the country is populated with a lot of different ethnicities which are forgotten, with traditions and way of living, which also constitute a cultural wealth with a high tourism potential.
Environmental degradation is also a major problem, especially on the coast, due to climate change, fishing with explosives and mass tourism. Faced with these challenges, the development of sustainable tourism, outside the major centres, must be put forward to enhance and value local cultures, create jobs in marginalized areas and improve the sharing of tourism revenues among the population.
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