Development of a green and resilient local economy promoting the protection and enhancement of mangrove areas in Lower Casamance
Senegal, Lower Casamance, UKB Marine Community Protected Area
(November 2024 to November 2027)
Improved living conditions and resilience of targetedvulnerable rural communities, particularlywomen and young people, and protection of fragile ecosystemsthrough the development of a resilient local economy.
The projectaims to increase the capacities of local communities, particularlywomen and young people, in the protection of mangrove ecosystems and the sustainable management of coastal and fisheryresources in the face of climate change in the UKB marine protected area. It alsoaims to strengthen the ecotourism value chain in the UKB Marine Protected Area zone, stimulated by a sustainableresilienteconomybased on alternative and sustainableactivities.
Build knowledge and capacity on practices for the restoration, protection and sustainable management of the UKB MPA’s coastal and fishery resources.
Enhanced capacity of local communities to reflect on, mobilize and implement local climate-resilient initiatives for mangrove restoration, carbon sequestration and poverty alleviation.
Enhanced skills in ecotourism management for tourism operators in the 3 targeted village camps.
Enhanced sustainable production capacities of targeted rural communities through the development of resilient economic activities integrated into the ecotourism value chain.
The project includes the following activities:
Implementation of an innovative, integrated management model surrounding the restoration of mangrove ecosystems.
Carrying out research-action projects focusing on climate and social resilience through agroforestry, afforestation/reforestation and mangrove restoration activities.
Rehabilitation of the Pointe Saint-Georges village camp and training in ecotourism service provision in 3 village camps.
Increased knowledge and skills of beneficiaries in developing new sources of sustainable income and integrating short circuits.
Local partner: Agir Autrement pour le Développement de l’Afrique (AG.A.D.A)
Quebec partners: Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en opérationnalisation du développement durable (CIRODD), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) and Université Laval.
This initiative is funded as part of the Quebec government’s Plan for a Green Economy 2030.