Exploration in Solidarity Lands
The mexican culture is rich and complex. Born from the fusion between indigenous and colonial traditions and beliefs, it never ceases to fascinate historians, anthropologist and archaeologist. This mix of cultures has also shaped the country on all aspects ; architecture, gastronomy, religion and language. Spanish, now considered the official language, has replaced pre-columbian dialects like Nahuatl or Maya. These riches brought a lot of differences from one region to the other.
Mexico city is a fascinating capital that seduces many visitors with its countless options. It is one of the world’s biggest agglomeration, distributed in 16 districts. It is a museum city, beautiful and serene, but also modern and lively. It has many parcs and gardens, small peaceful squares, bustling streets and markets. The contrasts define the Gigante Ciudad de México as a cultural concert of traditions and modernity.
Its high criminal rate does not keep travellers away. In 2019, it is more than 3.5 million visitors that came through the city. However, in 2020, that number fell all the way to 900 000 because of the pandemic. Having only registered about a fourth of the usual number of visitors, the city’s economy was severely impacted. The economic contribution of the tourism industry dropped by 70% in October 2020. That same year, about 44% of the population of Mexico lived in poverty. Since then, the tourism activity has gradually regained its momentum. This goes to show the importance of supporting responsible initiatives and helping to develop their resilience.
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