Exploration in solidarity lands
Peru is a Latin American country bordering Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Chile. The country also borders the Pacific Ocean. Peru is a country of great biodiversity, cultural richness and natural heritage, particularly in the Andes. However, this wealth is threatened by the overuse of natural resources, pollution and climate change. Sustainable tourism, which takes into account the environmental, economic and social impacts of tourism, helps preserve biodiversity and local cultures while generating income for local communities. It also enables environmental conservation, a lower carbon footprint than traditional tourism, and the promotion of eco-responsible practices. In addition, sustainable tourism encourages the participation and empowerment of local communities in the management of their resources, offering them employment and training opportunities in the tourism sector. This project is particularly focused on agrotourism initiatives, which involve discovering local gastronomy directly from the producers.
Specialized exploration in partnership with a local tourism agency. The exploration showcases current and new partners of the Exquisito Perû agency, under the theme of community tourism, but also agrotourism.
The mission given to the explorer is to discover local agrotourism initiatives, meet small local producers, and label accommodations and activities to add them to the Vaolo platform, with a target of 12 accommodations and 5 activities per accommodation. He will also be responsible for creating video and photo content for Village Monde, as well as for the initiatives he encounters.
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