Sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that respects the environment and local populations. Village Monde also aims to develop networks of human-sized accommodation in remote areas and outside the traditional circuits. This form of tourism values the authenticity of greetings and exchanges between communities and travellers. By highlighting the richness of the communities, it helps to strengthen the pride of the villagers. By offering new opportunities to young people and women, community-based tourism also helps to limit the rural exodus.
Village Monde’s actions are based on the principles of sustainable development: environmentally friendly, socially responsible and economically viable development. These dimensions are the basis of the analysis when identifying potential initiatives that can be supported, labelled and promoted on the Vaolo platform.
To learn more about sustainable tourism:
Stop by our blog to read articles from our volunteers, partners and team.
Consult articles from various sources on themes that move us.
The videos below were produced as part of AMIWASI, a training project for tourism companies and associations that want to offer a more responsible experience to their customers, with the objective of generating income in their community and contributing to the protection of the environment.
If you wish to have access to other video clips:
Being a conscious and responsible traveller is above all a state of mind that translates into sustainable choices at every step of a trip. From the preparation, through the stay, to the come back, the traveler is guided by his core values to maximize his positive impact and limit his footprint.
“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
Henry Miller
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The use of the masculine gender has been adopted for ease of reading and has no discriminatory intent.
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